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September 09, 2024 12:31AM
September 09, 2024 0:31AM

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Woodbridge Pipeline Replacement Project

Woodbridge has the proud distinction of being one of the first communities in the nation to use recycled water for landscape irrigation. Now, nearly 40 years later, some of the pipeline installed in the 1970s and early 1980s has reached the end of its useful life and will have to be replaced.

To prepare the community for the next 50 years, Irvine Ranch Water District will be replacing10 miles of new recycled water pipeline within the community.

Work will begin in June and continue through the winter. Construction near school campuses will occur during the summer, and access to all Woodbridge Village Association facilities will be maintained.

Street surfaces will be slurry sealed in construction areas once all pipeline work is completed, as directed by the City of Irvine.

Construction hours will be limited to Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for arterial streets, and from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for non-arterial streets. Construction on Alton Parkway and Lake Road will be limited to Saturdays only, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Click on the project updates bar below for construction details.

For more information, please call 949-453-5500 or email

Week of Jan. 23: Pipeline construction will take place this week on Stonecreek, Shorebird, Yale and Woodspring. That work will continue next week on Stonecreek and Woodspring, then shift to Alderwood later in the week.

Week of Jan. 9: Work will continue this week on Woodspring and North Yale Loops, weather permitting.

Week of Jan. 2: Work will continue this week on Woodspring.

Week of Dec. 26: Work this week will be limited to Wednesday and Thursday only, due to the holidays. This week's focus will be on completing service connections at local schools. Next week's construction will take place Tuesday through Friday on Woodspring.

Week of Dec. 19: Taking advantage of winter break, construction will be focused in areas near Springbrook, Stone Creek, Eastshore, Lakeside and South Lake schools to connect services to the new pipeline. There will be no work done on Dec. 23, 26, 27, and 30.

Week of Dec. 12: Pipeline work will take place along Woodspring this week, and shift next week to areas near Springbrook, Stone Creek, Eastshore, Lakeside and South Lake schools during winter break. That work will entail connecting services to the new pipeline.

Week of Dec. 5: Potholing and sawcutting will continue on Eastshore, then move to Woodspring in the middle of the week. Work on Woodspring will be wrapped up next week, and move on to Stone Creek South toward the end of the week.

Week of Nov. 28: Construction will continue along North Yale Loop at Eastshore, with potholing and sawcutting occurring on Eastshore into the rest of the week. Construction next week will be focused at Eastshore and Woodspring.

Week of Nov. 21: Construction will continue along North Yale Loop and South Yale Loop. There will be no construction on Thursday and Friday of next week in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Week of Nov. 14: Construction will continue along North Yale Loop and South Yale Loop this week, continuing into the following week.

Week of Nov. 7: Construction will continue along North Yale Loop throughout this week, with a small crew assigned to do work on South Yale Loop. Next week's work will be very much the same. There will be no construction taking place on Friday in observance of Veteran's Day.

Week of Oct. 31: Construction will continue along North Yale Loop throughout this week, with a small crew assigned to do work on South Yale Loop.Next week's work will be very much the same.

Week of Oct. 24: Construction will be focused along North Yale Loop throughout this week, with a small crew assigned to do work on South Yale Loop.

Week of Oct. 17: Pipeline construction will continue along Springbrook Springbrook South, then continue onto North Yale Loop toward the end of the week. Sawcutting and potholing will take place on North Yale Loop, with some work also occuring along South Yale Loop. Next week's schedule calls for continued work along North Yale Loop and South Yale Loop.

Week of Oct. 10: Pipeline construction will be taking place along Springbrook North and Springbrook South, with sawcutting and potholing planned along Alton Parkway. Next week's schedule calls for continued work along Springbrook, Alton Parkway and on North Yale Loop.

Week of Oct. 3: Construction along Yale Loop South is expected to be completed mid-week, followed by potholing along Springbrook South and North Yale Loop. Pipeline work is slated to begin next week on Springbrook South, with potholing on Alton Parkway.

Week of Sept. 26: Pipeline work is continuing along Yale Loop South and Yale Loop North. Crews are expected to focus on pipeline installation on Yale Loop South next week, along with potholing to locate utility lines along Alton Parkway.

Week of Sept. 19: Pipeline work along Yale Loop South and Yale Loop North will continue thoughout this week and next.

Week of Sept. 12: Pipeline work along Yale Loop South and Yale Loop North will continue thoughout this week.

Week of Sept. 5: Crews are continuing work along Yale Loop South and Yale Loop North thoughout this week and into next week.

Week of Aug. 29: Crews will continue installing new pipeline along Yale Loop South and Yale Loop North thoughout this week and into next week. There is no work scheduled for Labor Day.

Week of Aug. 22: Work will continue along Yale Loop South to sawcut and pothole in preparation for the installation of new pipeline. Later in the week, some work will shift to Yale Loop North. Construction along both of those roadways will continue into next week.

Week of Aug. 15: Pipeline construction has been completed at areas near school campuses, and work will begin this week along Yale Loop South to install pipeline there. Potholing will also be taking place along Yale Loop North to identify utilities in the roadway. This work is expected to continue into next week.

Week of Aug. 8: Pipeline construction will continue near Springbrook Elementary. Potholing will also take place along South Yale Loop to identify utilities in the roadway. This work is expected to continue into next week.

Week of Aug. 1: Pipeline construction will be continuing near Springbrook Elementary. Potholing will also be taking place along West Yale Loop to identify utilities near Alton and between Warner and Lemongrass.

Week of July 25: Pipeline construction will continue early this week on Woodspring and Eastshore, near Eastshore Elementary; and at Stone Creek and West Yale Loop near Stone Creek Elementary. Toward the end of the week, construction will begin on Springbrook North in the area marked in orange in the map above. The schedule for next week calls for work to continue near Springbrook Elementary, with potholing taking place along West Yale Loop to identify utilities near Alton and between Warner and Lemongrass.

Week of July 18: Pipeline construction will be taking place this week on Stone Creek South near Stone Creek Elementary, and will move to West Yale Loop between Stone Creek and Warner. A second crew will be working on Woodspring and Eastshore, near Eastshore Elementary School.

Week of July 11: Pipeline construction will be taking place this week on Stone Creek South, near Stone Creek Elementary, and on Woodspring, near Eastshore Elementary

Week of July 4: Pipeline construction will be taking place this week on West Yale Loop near South Lake Middle School, with additional construction planned for Friday and into next week at Stone Creek Elementary School. Construction may also take place along Stone Creek North near Lakeside Middle School, if additional staffing is available. Work next week is expected to continue at Stone Creek Elementary, and may also take place near Lakeside Middle School and Eastshore Elementary.

Week of June 20: Pipeline construction is taking place this week at two locations, along Stone Creek South near Stone Creek Elementary and on West Yale Loop near South Lake Middle schools. Work in these areas is expected to continue through next week and into the following week, with new construction scheduled to begin June 29 on Woodspring, near Eastshore Elementary. (See area marked in the map, above.)

Week of June 13: Pipeline construction is taking place this week at two locations, along Stone Creek South and West Yale Loop, near Stone Creek Elementary and South Lake Middle schools. Work in these areas is expected to continue through next week and into the following week.

Week of June 6: Construction will begin this week near Lakeside Middle School. Potholing will be done on Yale Loop to identify underground utilities. Construction near Stone Creek Elementary is now planned to take place the week of June 13.

Week of May 30: Potholing work will take place this week near Stone Creek Elementary (Tuesday), Lakeside Middle School (Wednesday), Eastshore and Springbrooke elementary schools (Thursday), and South Lake Middle School (Friday).  Construction is scheduled to begin June 6, starting in the area near Stone Creek Elementary.