Exceptional Customer Service is Goal One
High quality customer service, whether it be in person, on the phone or online is the hallmark of the Irvine Ranch Water District. Our customer service tradition features an unwavering commitment to provide the best service at the lowest possible cost to our customers. IRWD’s highly dedicated customer service professionals are available to provide information about many things, from your monthly water bill and bill payment questions to concerns about leaks and meter issues.
While our call center is available every business day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., IRWD customers can also quickly quench their thirst for account-related information by visiting the Customer Care section of the IRWD website for 24/7 access and information.
While visiting the IRWD website, customers can view how-to videos, sign up for eBill and register for the IRWD CodeRED emergency notification system, access their bill, discover multiple bill payment options and request a variance. During regular business hours, IRWD customer service specialists are available to answer questions via email at customerservice@irwd.com, or by calling (949) 453-5300.
Contact: Shannon Reed, Public Affairs Manager
reeds@irwd.com, (949) 453-5500